Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, good news so far.

The robbery of Wall Street is facing a lot of struggles they didn't anticipate. According to the corporately owned major newspapers (New World Order), it's McCain and the GOP's fault. They offered a different bailout plan. Either way, it's fucking bullshit. Anyone who hasn't seen this - just look at Section 8 of Paulson's misery blueprint. That the seizing of $700 billion (at least) of our tax dollars cannot be overseen or questioned or brought to court by ANY government body.

They must let these banks fail on their own. The way the Great Depression was handled was this: "liquidate everything!" No one came in with a blank check from the Government...they let their own failures fail. What people do not understand is that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are owned by the same interests that CAUSED the last Great Depression and they are CAUSING another one.

We must not let them have their way. All they want is to further consolidate their international banking power, so that they own ALL global wealth. I called the Pasadena congressman yesterday. I will call again today. Just did. Spoke to a sexy sounding woman. I told her to tell him that there must be a moratorium on foreclosures if they think we're going to lie down and let them steal $2,333 (on average) from all of us working, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

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