Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout STOPPED.

Power of the people, power of the SENATE. Power of CONGRESS. We *do* still have these bodies of government.

This isn't Nazi Germany. Yet. Paulson and his 12 families who personally own the federal reserve cracking their whips on him, were slapped in their fucking mouths. For now. I believe they'll crank this recession into full blown global depression, then try to act as our saviors - but they'll only "help" us according to their rules. Which all points in the direction of a one world government.

Fuck that.

228-205. It really wasn't even that close. Just imagine all the bullshit and lies that were fed, arms that were twisted amongst themselves - both the pure and the profane. I want to thank Ron Paul, for I know as fact that he voted and spoke vigorously against this - even calling for Bernanke and Greenspan to be criminally charged.

That would be beautiful.

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