Thursday, September 25, 2008

Planned Implosion...

It will be up to myself and others like me, who have a simple urge to create a ream of paper that spells out the government tyranny ... This financial "crisis" is completely intentional and planned ... it has been in place for years if not decades. The last president of any use was JFK. The Federal Reserve is a fascist regime and must be destroyed. We have been enslaved by worthless paper money, created in paper and ink, at interest to us. Our national debt is about to reach $14 trillion. The U.S. Dollar is already worthless - the markets just have not realized it yet.

my first dispatch here today:

get out of debt.

There is talk of debtors prisons, perhaps some even established in the United Kingdom. There are secret FEMA camps in place here in the States for those who do hit the streets during the coming Revolution.

People will not be able to afford bread. They will starve and they will revolt.

You have got to get your money out of the banks and into Gold and Silver accounts or even better, into physical coins and bars. The prices have been stable for 6,000 years. Gold is Money. Silver has room for exponential growth. Also, I would invest in stored food.

But first, make some payments if you can - narrow what you "owe" to these fucking criminals. And NEVER engage in this bullshit system again.

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