Friday, October 17, 2008

How I know that Russia is the brightest light in this world. Long ago, in today's rate of time, on June, 22nd 2007 ... Putin gave a speech to 200 corporate leaders at the International Economic Forum - this is a major battle ground, as even the Bilderbergers attend these forums every year - the Russian prime minister and (secret) president stated his case for a multi-polar world, which begins with the destruction and ostracizing of ALL the New World Order cogs: the IMF, Federal Reserve, NATO, UN, World Trade Organization,

Vladimir Putin:
"There can be only one answer to this challenge,” he boomed. “The creation of several world currencies and several financial centers.”

According to this article, on ...

'Putin imagines a world where goods and resources are traded in rubles or “baskets of currencies”---not just greenbacks. This would create greater parity between the countries and a more even distribution of wealth.'

He has also talked about a gold=standard on the Russian ruble.

What are Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson doing here in the States? Fucking RAISING mortgage rates - RAISING THEM! While cutting interest rates. Therefore, as the dollar prepares to plunge for being printed in the trillions and at low rates, and after we the people called 95 to 1 against the bailout and the senate and special interests twisted arms to push it through and we got saddled with literally trillions of dollars in taxes to pay off this bailout we DID NOT WANT, they are making homeowners PAY MORE to stay in their homes.

Soon, China will balk at its holdings in US Treasury notes (over a trillion dollars). Brazil and Argentina -most likely pissed off and righteously so, for the IMF raping them into 3rd world status when they once had a burgeoning middle class who now live in doorways - have totally backed out of their U.S. dollar holdings and flushed the bills out. Next in line is the Middle East, as Iran has already begun to get rid of dollar and trade more oil in the euro and other currencies.

Once these countries shift more and more to the right, to the east, to the Russian multi-polar, national soveriegnty, gold-backed currency world ... you will see the fall of the Anglo-empire (British royal family and all it's demonoid bastard children - IMF, Federal Reserve, WTO, UN, NATO, World Bank - COLLAPSE, because nothing, no one will be left there to hold it up.

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