Sunday, October 19, 2008


Why doesn't Congress just start minting silver and gold coins again?

is there not enough gold and silver? have the Rothschilds taken it all? no. India has tonnes upon tonnes of gold; mostly in jewelry.

there really should be the competition of currencies. and Congress could step out of its cowardice and start pushing its own coins into the public. people would all clamor for these. and maybe that's the problem here - to have competing currencies in the same nation - is that the one that is clearly more valuable will be hoarded and hidden away, kept from circulation.

this is just another stream of thought that leads me always to the same end: the end of the Federal Reserve!

Friday, October 17, 2008

How I know that Russia is the brightest light in this world. Long ago, in today's rate of time, on June, 22nd 2007 ... Putin gave a speech to 200 corporate leaders at the International Economic Forum - this is a major battle ground, as even the Bilderbergers attend these forums every year - the Russian prime minister and (secret) president stated his case for a multi-polar world, which begins with the destruction and ostracizing of ALL the New World Order cogs: the IMF, Federal Reserve, NATO, UN, World Trade Organization,

Vladimir Putin:
"There can be only one answer to this challenge,” he boomed. “The creation of several world currencies and several financial centers.”

According to this article, on ...

'Putin imagines a world where goods and resources are traded in rubles or “baskets of currencies”---not just greenbacks. This would create greater parity between the countries and a more even distribution of wealth.'

He has also talked about a gold=standard on the Russian ruble.

What are Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson doing here in the States? Fucking RAISING mortgage rates - RAISING THEM! While cutting interest rates. Therefore, as the dollar prepares to plunge for being printed in the trillions and at low rates, and after we the people called 95 to 1 against the bailout and the senate and special interests twisted arms to push it through and we got saddled with literally trillions of dollars in taxes to pay off this bailout we DID NOT WANT, they are making homeowners PAY MORE to stay in their homes.

Soon, China will balk at its holdings in US Treasury notes (over a trillion dollars). Brazil and Argentina -most likely pissed off and righteously so, for the IMF raping them into 3rd world status when they once had a burgeoning middle class who now live in doorways - have totally backed out of their U.S. dollar holdings and flushed the bills out. Next in line is the Middle East, as Iran has already begun to get rid of dollar and trade more oil in the euro and other currencies.

Once these countries shift more and more to the right, to the east, to the Russian multi-polar, national soveriegnty, gold-backed currency world ... you will see the fall of the Anglo-empire (British royal family and all it's demonoid bastard children - IMF, Federal Reserve, WTO, UN, NATO, World Bank - COLLAPSE, because nothing, no one will be left there to hold it up.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Germany is very close with Russia. Russian language will be the new global language, while English declines. Germany imports at least 50% of its oil from Russia. Germans have begun *hoarding* euros printed in Germany. Their economy and their nation (as heard from Max Keiser) will become an island in the middle of the crumbling and imploding EU, which is so sewn into the American debt system.

While things continue to get worse in the global economy, 30% of which is supported by the U.S. dollar ... that should say enough ... Germany will lean further to the east, cracking apart the EU. Germans more than any other people of the world know about hyperinflation. They know all about false-flag, government terrorism. Russians are well aware of these tactics and economics.

Russia has been talking about a gold-backed currency. This is something that has not been done in centuries, in ages! If Russians do this, they, India (who owns the largest gold hoard in tonnes), Iran (who hopefully *will* wipe Israel off the map) and China will be the leaders of the new multipolar world. I also see Venezuela and Brazil and Argentina to rise and keep rising. Venezuela is a world leader in oil. Brazil is the covenant of the world in terms of agricultural production. Argentina has always had the best steak houses of the entire world - what does that tell you of their rise through the global food "shortage"? Any nation that can feed people in other nations that independently cannot (China, the Middle East, Africa) will RISE.

That leads me to think that if we the people were still in control of our country, we'd be able to shake off these parastic international bankers and just become farmers again and grow our way out of this collapse. The problem is that we are so indebted to China, thanks to the New World Order and the Bush administration, that we will be paying more taxes to China than to the corrupt, criminal IRS. Essentially, in the words of NWO muppet Warren Buffet, we'll be "a nation of sharecroppers."

So, what I fear most now is NOT the 13 families that own the Federal Reserve. It is not the North American Union.

What I fear, for us Americans, is the lack of sympathy and mercy from these nations. The Anglo-American empire is finally dead. They just do not know it yet. However, they have committed decades and decades of atrocities worldwide in our name. I don't know if it will be possible for them to separate the real American people from the 'American' hegemon during and after the coming world war, which they will win.

We need to hope that the men who lead these nations are patriots to their home countries. We need to hope and pray that once it is over and England and America are smoking desolation, road warrior nations (wild west all over again? yes, i can't wait!) that they will realize they can be the leaders of a new and better world - the antiglobalists! If it takes their insatiable anger at us to not be able to spare the people of our republic here, in order for this truly multipolar world to be reborn, so be it.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The End of America.

The governor is intimating that he will ask the US Treasury for $7 billion. This indicates the state itself is insolvent, exposing the failure of the state government of California as a public entity and its transformation into a privately owned enterprise. The Congress was threatened with Martial Law if it did not pass the bailout bill tonight. They complied and within four days, reversed their brave and patriotic defiance of Paulson's plunder on Monday.

The infrastructure of New York (my home state) is already being auctioned off and privatized by Governor Patterson, who replaced Eliot Spitzer, a ruthless financial investigator, suspiciously defamed just six months before this financial crisis. The governments in Arizona, Texas and other states are taking people's land with not a cent in payment for these ridiculous NAFTA super highways and corridors of the intended North American Union - also to be built and owned by private entities.

Once the entire infrastructure of the United States is sold out, look for tolls and taxes everywhere. Not to mention "terrorist" checkpoints. This is probably the infrastructure Obama must envision with his $150 billion infrastructure plan. These roads and bridges will most likely contain a carbon tax.

The central fear is the expansion of this wicked globalist agenda. And that is all I hear from Obama in terms of education and economy. 'We must ensure our students are ready to compete in the global economy.' (off quote) Why do we have to be global and unipolar? We have more than enough resources and wealth available right here in the states once we nationalize the Federal Reserve and leave it in the hands of Congress, which is the sole government body granted power to issue currency by our endangered Constitution. We could and should have taken this trillion dollar bailout and give it to the people. Publicly owned and improved infrastructure. National money. Small business investments. The re-birth of the American middle class.

That is the only way it would have helped us. Regardless, the introduction of trillions of new notes in fiat paper currency without new production will cause devastating hyperinflation. This will be the Wiemar Republic of the 21st century as the dollar becomes worthless. The buying power of our impoverished nation will decline to $10 gas and $10 milk gallons - and that's hopeful.

At this point, certainly within a few years if not months, the globalists will creep forward once again with their next "solution" to this crisis THEY created. They've done it in 3rd world countries that had an emerging middle class such as Argentina and Brazil. Their impositions will include further assault on our Bill of Rights and include the merger of the three nations of Canada, Mexico and our United States. And our country will no longer exist.

What we've done for the past twenty years and certainly the last ten years, is borrow money at interest from China, to buy cheap sweatshop goods *made* in China. What we must hope for is the Chinese to recognize their own strength to the point of NOT being the Asian accomplice to the New World Order globalists. Iran and Russia appear to be far more cognizant of their powers and stand in defiance to the international banker tyranny of New York and London.