Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have recently discovered Alan Watt. One thing he pointed out recently was that the sperm count in "western" males has gone from 90 million per ml. to 10 million per ml. and that our great overlords at the UN and WHO have re-established 10 million as "normal" sperm count.

Watt also states that of the 10 million sperm left, 85% of those are deformed and useless. And people wonder why the United States, though one of the largest countries in terms of land, has such wonderful, light population density. He also mentioned the length of the penis and how it has been shriveled from its former size. I am certain many women would agree with this claim. Anyone aware of the eugenics movement knows that China has been its most willing participant; presumably to help battle their human population "problem" ... and it's a great inside joke among westerners that Chinese men have small penises.

I also remember once reading in one of the Bilderberg quarterlies (Time, the Economist, Business Week) that the reason China has such great population density is because the smaller male penis is more efficient. Hahahaha...yes, that is what they said. That it was some form of Darwinian evolutionary magic - that we apparently don't need penises.

Put this together with the massive pharmaceutical addiction widespread throughout our United States and the fact that, of these, erectile dysfunction and psychotropic (mainly depression) drugs are the most prescribed. What I know personally from several years use of Paxil, is that it has "unknown, unintentional" effects on the penis and the connected organs and their natural functions. And, of course, depression is connected to sex drive and performance. But, it should not have any effect whatsoever on the count or quality of your sperm. But these SSRI drugs do. According to a study in the UK, these drugs can wipe out or sterilize 10-30% of your sperm after established use (more than a few months).

Someday, when I have more time I can devote to these writings, I will elaborate. However, I want to state now that I see *why* America is being depopulated of Americans (white & black & Native American) ... most all of us would never, ever submit to a possession less, cashless, human right less, sovereignty less, national anthem less, prayer less one world government of the Rockefeller, Cecil and Rothschild bankers - not even with their Lord Obama at the helm.

Where I feel these idiots have once again let their hubris override themselves is their lack of respect for South America, India, Arabia (Middle East) and Africa. All an American today has to do, to find fertile women, is look at Mexico next door. These people seem to "fuck like rabbits" as I've more than once said and many others have as well. It is out of sheer jealousy, let me tell you. It can be said for all Latin America. But the sad truth is, these people do not have more sex than Americans do. Nor can all this be explained (fully or even halfway) by the fact that most women 3rd world nations do not ever aspire for higher education and careers and begin having children and getting married at 15 years of age compared to 30 years of age for American women. That still leaves -even if every American woman here never tried to get pregnant at all until the age of 30- 15 years per woman of healthy, active fertility before menopause.

I am in awe of the children born not into social security number bondage, not ripped from their mothers' wombs and injected with poisonous "vaccines", not subjected to Kellogg's GMO food, not forced to drink milk not from their mother's breast out of plastic bottles that knowingly contain poisons designed to interfere with the child's hormones and developing body.